Continued - lessons 7-11
Grade 3 Invasion Games
Central Idea:
Understanding personal qualities enhances the ability to acquire and execute new skills.
Learner Outcomes:
- Recognize personal qualities, strengths and limitations
Active Living (Australian Curriculum):
Perform a variety of locomotor movements with and without equipment, alone and with others, moving at different levels, using different pathways, and traveling in different directions​
Send and receive objects of different shapes and sizes in different ways, using different body parts, at different levels and using various types of equipment
Retain objects of different shapes and sizes in different ways, using different body parts and equipment
Lesson 7:
We reviewed the central idea, learner profile, attitudes and ATLs for the unit and then looked at the skills they deemed they needed work on.
This lesson is primarily focused on their passing and catching skills.
In order to work on their independence attitude, I wrote the activities on the board and they need to complete each layer before moving to the next one.
Activity 1:
Stand 5 meters from each other
Pass a ball to each other successfully 10 times
(I did have to teach the kids how to throw, i.e.: opposite hand, opposite foot, rotate hips, point at target)
Activity 2:
Each student stands on a dot facing their partner
Stand 2 meters from each other at first
Successful pass to one another then move their dot one step back
If not successful, move forward to each other
Keep going for 5 minutes and see how far the students can stand back from one another.
Activity 3:
Place 4 cones along one side of the court
Gather the whole class together and distribute along the 4 cones
Object of this activity is to get the ball to the other side of the court as fast as possible without dropping the ball – no moving with the ball
Teams need to work together to pass to each other successfully
Activity 4:
As above, however add in one defender whose job is to prevent the passes from being successful.
Throughout this lesson I continually reminded the kids the cues we went through and also got the more competent students to give feedback to others
At the end of the lesson, we went through the 6 skills again and determined which ones we worked on and how we faired.
Lesson 8:
I created this document that we used for the next 3 lessons – it is the mini-coach system I read from the Physical Educator. You can access it here.
I uploaded this onto Seesaw so the kids can access it easily and the parents can see what skills they can help work on at home.
I then made this rotation, you can access it here.
Game 1 was 3-Pass and Shoot.
Each team gets 2 games, 1 practice session and 1 mini-coach time
When giving feedback, the kids give a rating for each of the skills out of 4.
1 = Never
2 = Sometimes
3 = Often
4 = Always
You can find an example of a completed worksheet here.
The athletes and coaches got together and spent a few minutes to discuss the feedback to each other and found ways to improve.
Lesson 9:
Same as the previous lesson where we are using the Mini-Coach System however the game is now Modified Handball:
Basic handball premise
However, no moving with the ball
No goalie box
Lesson 10:
As above but game 3 involved modified handball again but there is now a goalie line.
Lesson 11:
We did a review of the entire unit: central idea, personal qualities (strengths and weaknesses), learner profile, attitudes, ATLs, and how these were all applied into the unit and could be applied outside of PE.
The last lesson was spent on their summative assessment:
I gave the kids a blank piece of paper, markers, colored pencils, etc. and the kids could demonstrate their learning using the narrative writing style they have been learning in the homeroom for their unit. This is another avenue of integration.
I encouraged the kids to explain why we were learning this unit and how it could be applied outside of PE.
When marking these assessments, I look for the following:
Creativity: Is it unique and engaging?
Application of knowledge: Are there elements of the lessons being presented?
Organization/logical presentation of ideas: Is it presented in a way that is logical and easy to read/view?
Key terms: Are our big ideas being presented?
Questions, comments, anything I can do to improve? Please click here.