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Continued: Lessons 7 to 11

Grade 2 - Net Games

Central Idea:

  • Feedback helps us to improve our skills and coordination

Learner Outcomes:

  • Interactions:

    • Value interacting, playing and learning with others​

    • Understand the impact of their actions on each other and the environment

  • Identity:

    • Recognise others' ​perspectives and accommodate these to shape a broader view of the world

Lesson 7:

  • We moved on from volleyball onto tennis today. We followed the same format as volleyball: pairs, feedback, progressions, etc. I was fortunate enough to get hold of some great gear from Gopher for this unit: Rainbow Protect-R Paddles. These are not your normal metal tennis rackets with strings but rather a heavy duty plastic paddle with foam edges. They are sturdy, durable and much more maneuverable than bigger rackets – ideal for students with very limited net games experience (just like mine).

  • We started this lesson by reviewing the main points brought up in volleyball, both in terms of the physical skills and main ideas being brought forward in the unit. I then gave each kid their paddle/racket and a ball and they followed the progressions for the day:

  • Level 1: Floor bounces x20

    • A floor bounce is where the student hits the ball into the air, lets the ball bounce and hits it again.

  • Level 2: Racket bounces x20

    • A racket bounce is where the student hits the ball continuously on their racket without the ball touching the ground.

  • Level 3: Wall bounces x20

    • Simply hitting the ball against the wall with 1 bounce on the ground after making contact with the wall.

  • Level 4: Floor bounces partner x20

    • Where a student partners up and rallies with a partner allowing only 1 bounce.

  • Level 5: Floor bounces partner ‘dot’ x20

    • As above but each individual is given a dot where one foot must be in contact with the dot at all times during the rally. Designed for the players to keep control of the ball.

  • After 10 minutes of inquiring into tennis, I gathered the students around and asked them what skills can be passed on from volleyball to tennis. A few responses were:

    • “Moving your feet.”

    • “Watch the ball.”

    • “Control the ball.”

  • After that short discussion, I gave the students some pointers to help them progress:

    • Handshake grip

    • Bend the knees

    • Surfing pose

    • On toes

    • Constantly watch the ball

    • No gorilla hands

  •  I let the students continue with their levels and I wandered around giving help here and there.

Lesson 8:

  • We started the lesson by breaking down the central idea and reviewing the key terms of the unit. We also discussed the method of which we are reflecting on our progress and looking for way to improve. After this discussion, we warmed up in partners with some floor bounce rallies.

  •  We progressed onto refining our tennis skills today. I introduced the students to the forehand and backhand. Again, I wrote the progressions on the board:

  1. Throw, forehand and catch x20

  2. Throw, backhand and catch x20

  3. 2 rallies and catch x20

  4. 3 rallies and catch x20

  5. 4 rallies and catch x20

  •  This is all partner work. Partner 1 gently throws the ball to partner 2 where that person attempts to do the forehand back to partner 1. They progress through the levels. Again, I wander around giving feedback here and there.

  •  With about 15 minutes left of the lesson, I got the students into groups of 4 and conducted the same feedback procedure as in volleyball. One pair did the progressions whilst the other filmed the working pair. After several minutes, they gave each other feedback and used the iPad to help explain what needed to be done. They then switched.

Lesson 9:

  • The lesson started by reviewing what we had learned so far about tennis: our pre-assessment, groundstrokes and key words. After a short warm-up of partner floor bounces and a few ground strokes we moved onto the next step of tennis: volleys. Progressions:

  1. Throw, forehand volley and catch x20

  2. Throw, backhand volley and catch x20

  3. 2 rallies and catch x20

  4. 3 rallies and catch x20

  5. 4 rallies and catch x20

  •  Now, all these progressions are quite difficult but I am not aiming for clear proficiency here but rather that they are helping each other, providing feedback, and being exposed to tennis. Just like previous lessons, 2 pairs got together, filmed each other, did some research on the volley and came up with some key points for their peers to work on.

Lesson 10:

  • Our final lesson for tennis was doubles, rather modified doubles. Just feeding out of the hand, no official serving, and attempt to get the ball to the other side with a rally to ensue. Every 5 minutes the pairs rotated and played another pair. After a couple of rotations, I stepped in and showed some strategies they could apply: positions, ball control, shot placement, etc. There were not a great deal of rallies but the kids did have fun and tried their best.

  •  With 5 minutes left the lesson, I gave them their summative assessment. It is exactly the same as their formative assessment bar it is for tennis and an additional question at the end.

  • Summative: Using iBooks, being as creative as possible, answer the three questions:

  1. Tell me everything you have learned about tennis.

  2. What feedback did you give your friends?

  3. What feedback did your friends give you?

  4. Outside of PE, how else can you use feedback to help yourself or others? Give some examples.

Lesson 11:

  • The last lesson of the unit was spent playing the same modified versions of the two sports. Every 5 minutes the kids rotated to play another team and sport.

Questions, comments, please click here.

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